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How will teaching English abroad pay off in the long run?
Boost your resume by teaching English Abroad
Easy travel.
When you live abroad it is typically much easier and less costly to travel. When you teach English in Spain, for example, you can easily hop on a train to spend the weekend in France, or perhaps Portugal, for just a couple hundred bucks. An English teacher in Korea can spend can spend as little as $500 for a week of fun and sun in Thailand or the Philippines. Or think of teaching in Turkey, where you are just an hour or two by flight from such great destinations as Athens, Venice and Vienna; or looking the other direction, you could be in Jerusalem, Cairo, or Jordan.
A rare opportunity to live abroad and truly immerse yourself in a foreign culture, where you will be a valued and integral member of the local community.See the world while getting paid.
How bad-ass is that? In dozens of countries around the world, a first-time English teacher will earn a livable wage that enables them to cover all of their bills while enjoying the culture and lifestyle of the country in which they teach. In Asia and the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf, English teachers typically make enough to save 30%-50% of their salary after expenses, which in some countries can be $500-$1,000 a month or even more.
Get your free Country Chart about teaching English abroad!Gaining the ability to adapt to a new environment and culture where the language, religion and traditions may be different from your own.
Build friendships around the world.
Living and teaching abroad provides an unparalleled opportunity to meet and befriend people from other countries and cultures. In addition, you will meet all sorts of interesting people from all over the globe. With more than 250,000 native English speakers working abroad as English teachers, you will likely have little problem meeting like-minded people living abroad (who are some of the coolest people you will ever meet!).
The opportunity to learn a new language.
It’s far easier to pick up Spanish living in Argentina where you will be immersed in the language on a daily basis than it is taking classes or listening to tapes in your home country.
International work experience, which is increasingly desired by employers in the globalized economy of the 21st century. A world of professional opportunities are open up to those who have the background of living abroad and can provide employers with the skill and ability to live and work in a foreign country.©Echo Education | Teach English ABroad | Legal declaration| Privacy policy| Foreign Affairs Service| English For Kids| English Teacher