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Winter is coming...to Hangzhou!

source:Teach Abroad time:2019-10-16 13:15:27 read:2570

Here in Hangzhou you may be feeling a sharp coolness to the air. This means the long summer heat is finally over and winter is on its way. This week we’re going to tell our new arrivals in Zhejiang about the best ways to stay warm this winter.

 hangzhou, china

So you’re thinking,…..summer’s gone but how about autumn? Well autumn season is actually incredibly short. Comfortable temperatures in the low twenties or high teens actually only last a few days in this area of China. The onset of chilly winter can be fairly rapid and unforgiving. Usually by early November you need to be fully prepared for four months of frosty living! That’s not to say there won’t be the occasional day of warm and pleasant weather but it’s best to safeguard against the chill.


The first thing to acknowledge is that south of the Yangtze River in China there is no central heating. Millions of people every year make do with AC heating, halogen heaters, hot water bottles and hefty down-jackets. Temperatures can get below freezing and it’s not unusual to experience the odd flurry of snow. Zhejiang will rarely get heavy artic-like snow, usually only settling for several days a year.


So the lack of gas central heating means that indoors can be extremely nippy. Get use to keeping your coat on until bedtime. And at bedtime get use to putting on heavy fleecy pyjamas and extra thick duvets and blankets. Hot water and tea are seen as an essential accompaniments throughout a winters day, stoking those internal fires. People will tend to eat more spicy food with hot pot being a firm favourite with all generations.

chinese hot pot


Your local supermarket will stock everything you need at a reasonable price. Thermal vests and long-johns are very cheap and can really save you shivering when winter hits. Small heaters can cost as little as 30rmb and are efficient enough to heat your room in the morning. You’ll also notice something unique to this area of China in people’s bathrooms; fluffy warm toilet-seat covers to keep your delicate parts from freezing when nature calls!


We should also mention it’s important to keep an eye on electrics and heaters during this period. Occasional house fires happen from people leaving appliances on unattended or using candles. Please be mindful and cautious. Finally if you have any problems with your AC heating, windows which don’t close properly, lack of hot water to wash with, please contact your landlord. Echo’s team of support officers will assist and mediate if need be.


Stay toasty all. xxx

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